Sexism is present in all eras of humanity or almost. To illustrate this established fact, we will study the film "figures of the shadow" by Théodore Melfi (2016). This very good film takes place at the beginning of the 60s and relates the story of three African-American scientists working at The NASA. Despite the discrimination suffered by the system in place and by their male colleagues, our three protagonists allowed the United States to take the lead of the space conquest. The film also deals with racism, present in particular in through the segregationist treatment that was reserved for colored people. We will see that some words would be aberrant if they were held today but were the “norm” at that time.

The woman, victim of clichés

In the 1960s, women fell prey to to sexist clichés of all kinds. They undergo, in their daily life, countless reductive remarks about their ability to perform the same tasks as men.

A well-known example is driving automobile. A stereotype is that women drive less well than men, well let that be completely wrong. On time current, for example, 84% of managers fatal car accidents are conductors, not female conductors.

In the film, it is precisely during a scene where the car of our 3 protagonists is broken down, that we are entitled to an obvious cliché. Indeed, a police officer checking them is surprised strongly that women work at NASA and participate in sending rockets into space.

Un policier contrôle les trois protagonistes
A policeman controls the three protagonists

Beyond simple remarks, these pictures have an impact on the lives of women. In the middle professional for example. Indeed, the most important positions are occupied by men. Women are yet educated and competent but not can claim that in trades without risks and very mechanical.

In the film, this inequality is felt at the NASA. Indeed, women are only entitled to simple jobs that have no major impact on a space mission, as "calculators" for example. These are responsible for check men's calculations. It's a very minimizing job when you know that they have the same intellectual capacities and skills than their male colleagues.

Worse still, some sexist thoughts don't not allow women scientists to work properly. For example, most of the information present on the files they must be treated are confidential and crossed out with a black line, and they are not allowed to participate in meetings that would allow them to be efficient in their work.

Les informations masquées d’un trait noir
Information masked with a black line

All of this forms a vicious cycle which, you you will understand, can only degrade the status and image of women in society. Alas, it doesn't end there.

Racial segregation, a
additional discrimination

We have just seen how the ideology sexist impact on women's lives in ways negative, and on a daily basis. Unfortunately, this is not the only major discrimination ubiquitous at that time.

In fact, in 1960, the United States separated the Caucasian whites and people of color: it is racial segregation.

In addition to dividing men, it establishes a rejection and loathing of people of color, and this in their daily life. They must for example sit in the back of the bus so as not to mix with white people, don't cannot use the same fountains and toilets that they and do not have access to the same books in the library, which limits their knowledge.

Les fontaines sont séparées en fonction de la couleur de peau
The fountains are separated according to skin color

In the film, this discrimination is illustrated by a big brake for our three protagonists.

Where one does the work of a chef team but is refused a real promotion, the other is threatened with being fired because she needs a diploma only accessible in a white school and segregationist. And all this only "to cause ”of their skin color.

Once again, these differences prevent people of color to flourish in a professional environment and forces them to work twice as hard to show their worth.

A touch of hope

In all the darkness of this society that is plagued by deep inequalities, a few people stand out by realizing of the problem.

In Theodore Melfi's work, this take consciousness is for example embodied by the NASA boss, who is very impressed with the genius and the work of our main heroine. He will then gradually help him against discriminations.

One if not the most memorable scene of the film takes place around him. Our heroine, at end of nerves, will end up emptying his bag and explain all the inequalities to which it must cope during his working days. In particular, she must use the only toilets for people of color present on everything the campus, which are located 800 meters from its workplace, which wastes him a lot of time every day.

Faced with his employee in tears, the manager decides to go and break the sign "toilets for women of color ”while saying the iconic phrase: "Here at NASA, we all piss the same color ”.

Le patron casse le panneau des toilettes pour femmes de couleurs
The boss breaks the toilet panel to women of color

While inequalities have always been present in the history of mankind, this scene we also shows that some people have, and will always have the courage to oppose it, and this for the good of all.

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